My first Christmas at my house! I got a real fir tree that's about 2 feet tall. As we decorated my family members trickled in filling up my trailer. We ran out of chairs but we had plenty of food and fellowship to go around. I am blessed.
Farmers of all shapes and sizes!

Friday, December 20, 2013
Monday, December 16, 2013
Real friends
You find out who your friends are. Its exactly like the song goes. When everything is going great you are surrounded by "friends". But when things get tough, when bad things happen, the ones who stick around those are the real ones. They drop what they are doing to come help you. They stop in the middle of everything to pray for you. Make sure your OK and that everything is taken care of. Nothing asked in return. This is real.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
I reuse grocery sacks, milk jugs, egg cartons, plastic jars, and broth. I recycle tin cans, aluminum foil, and now I recycle my leftovers! Lol. First I make something yummy, then I reheat it and end up saying "I don't really want to eat that again". So it sets in my refrigerator for a few days then I get bored and say "I wonder what I have in the fridge? Oh my I need to eat that up, but...again? Hey I could add a little of this and a little of that." By the time it reaches the table it is unrecognizable and I'm back at step two, because I made WAY too much for one person. Bon appetite. Isaiah when can you come over? Lol.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Dance, Baby, Dance.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Thanksgiving: a new perspective
This was my first Thanksgiving that was not either hunting or spending the day getting Turkey dinner ready with my mom and sis. I kinda missed hearing Squanto, but I ended up dancing around my kitchen. Twirl to the table, measure, pour, cut in. That looks right. Skip to the sink, peel, chop, strain. Back to the table, sprinkle, roll, fold. Off to the stove, boil, stir, try to level it up. Back to the table, shape the crust, fill the shell. Waltz to the oven, on, in, timer. Oh my its past milking time! Hurry up oven, ah the aroma. Out, off and scurry to the barn. Hurry my way thru my chores. Sorry dears no time to brush you today. Back to the house, roll, fold, pie plate, oven back on, mince is on the porch freezer, fill, roll, crust, repeat steps 2-9. Pop into the oven, timer, jump in the tub for a quick shower. How relaxing... what's that smell? Oh the pies dripped in the bottom of the oven. Put a towel on the truck seat, back inside *cough* beep *cough* beep beep oh my every smoke detector is going off! The pies look really nice though. Mom - bring me a saucepan when you come. Its almost 5? Good thing I made the Jello yesterday. Load 'em up, move 'em out.vroom urch. Here we are hugs all around turkey and all the fixings but best of all family and friends gathered together ina spirit of thanksgiving. I have truly been blessed.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
To grandmothers house we go...
Had a blast. They wore me out shopping. Do you like my hat?( Go Dog Go-by P D Eastman) Sarah said that I'm officially a dairy farmer, I worried from the moment we left till we pulled back into my driveway.