Farmers of all shapes and sizes!

Monday, June 30, 2014
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Hello my name is June-bug and I like warm hugs
The past two days have been awesome. I've had my friend Tina's youngsters while she is cleaning houses in the mornings. They are good little workers, helping in the garden and barn. Since we found little June-bug had arrived they have been wonderful little surrogate parents. Poor June-bug will go into withdrawal over the weekend. June-bug is out of Stella and Spot. She is purebred and will be regt. and tattooed for showing. She is for sale.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Friday, June 20, 2014
Of birds and of bees.
The peeps have hatched! I traded buck service for seven Black Copper Maran chicks. As always you lose a few, but 5 are happy and healthy. I suspect two of them are roosters but time will tell. If they grow well I'd like to raise some of my own eventually. Right now they are in Mom's living room keeping Tasha entertained.
Two days ago I was hauling water across the sahara desert...Ok it was just my yard, to my poor neglected billy goat. In the time it took to set the bucket down and move his chain a few yards the air and sky above the garden filled with honeybees. They swarmed into one of the blueberry bushes. Although I have a basic knowledge of these pollinators, I wished for some enlightenment. In the far-off future I would like to have a few hives but I am far from prepared. So I advanced cautiously to snap a quick shot. They seemed to be very docile and unfazed by my presence. I don't even know of anyone around here that keeps bees...well I'll mention it to Naomi.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
10 meow-meows
Last evening pussy cat brought her kittens out. Two little gray babies. Making a total of ten. They are shy but they are just like her running towards the other kitties rubbing on their legs. Arching their backs till they about fall over. Lol.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Is she gone?
4 more kitties! All different shades of gray except one orange cutie. The first litter resembles clowns in comparison. lol.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
God are you listening?
Its not that he doesn't hear, or care. It's just that he's asking us to wait until the perfect time when he exceeds all our expectations and we can only voice an inadequate "Wow, God!"
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Five little balls of hiss and spit. Lol. Two orange, one orange and white, one black and white, and one tabby tiger striped. Follow the leader.