As the semester goes on I grow more and more tense. Deadlines, tests and endless reading assignments bog me down. In the midst of the constant "gogogogogo" and hubbub of college drama, I find a little refuge in my welding class. I look forward to the monday night class achieve week. The friendly comraderie of the agriculture and forestry students helps me relax and in a way detox from the stress of the daily grind. This pleasant atmosphere lends much to the process of learning a productive skill, while having fun and practicing safety. In reality it is an art, a balance and a rhythm. Finding your inner balance steadies your hand and smoothes your work. The finished products show your progress as well as your strengths and weaknesses. We work together and help each other...we are similar to the metal we work with. We all have our rough spots and imperfections. But we build each other up and the principles we were raised on shine through. Humble, kind and stronger together.
Farmers of all shapes and sizes!

Friday, February 17, 2017
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
This is the story of my life...
For the past nine months to a year I have been very negligent with my blog posts. Not because there was a lack of things to write about but because I got busy with living. You know, the daily hum-drum of the things necessary for function in society. In August I took a step of faith, (it felt more like a cliff lol) and started the journey to obtain a degree in Agriculture Education. Potomac State College is a rather small campus, but it was an excellent place to begin my studies. I experienced a few rough patches but managed to finish the semester with a 3.70 GPA. Christmas break flew by working and painting for the Bachtels. Christmas was fun and busy with our rapidly changing family. Levi is a little entertainer just like his daddy. New year's day found Isaiah and I once again ministering in Sucre, Bolivia. My heart and calling were refreshed and when I got the news that my boyfriend had moved on with his life I was some how able to say "THY WILL BE DONE". When you know God's got his hand on you it helps your perspective even when your emotions are a wreck. This semester has had its ups and downs but having my own quiet little apartment in downtown Keyser helps. What Eric told me is still true...I am good at picking places to have a hermitage. Lol. It may very well be a hermitage and I may have some stray kitty friends that frequent my door step, but that too is part of my story and the everyday things need talked about sometimes too.