On the wee hours of this morning I could be found ladling piping hot marmalade into the 32nd jar. Taking a deep breath of relief that the first four batches were complete. My culinary assistant had long since dozed off and the multiple cups of coffee were losing their power to keep my eyes open. One third of the citrus is soaking still waiting to be turned into gel. (A process that takes almost 2 hours.) My kitchen smelled so heavenly fresh and I do believe the temperature was above 80° for once. I believe I would like to keep a jam pot constantly bubbling now! Thank you to my dear new Zealand friend and her mum for the gift of her delightful recipe.
Farmers of all shapes and sizes!

Sunday, December 28, 2014
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Hello from the hibernating hermit.

Friday, November 28, 2014
Hunting in a winter wonderland.
Happy Thanksgiving from a fridged tree stand. Counting my blessings by the bags of meat in the freezer not the number of antler points on his head. Thank you GOD!
Friday, November 14, 2014
Christmas is coming around again.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Fitness for the farm.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Today was productive but hard, leaving me feeling accomplished sad and exhausted. Getting things in order for my upcoming absence. Ruger got his first rabies vaccine. I took Peepster to his new home with John M's chickens. And bid goodbye to miss Mayberry. Her CAE test was positive and she has been growing increasingly uncomfortable so I chose the merciful and hard decision to let her go. Still reeling from the loss of my buck Spot last week, I can't help but feel that life is not quite fair. Tired. Tired of trying so hard to be strong, capable and efficient and only resulting in failure. I am backed against the wall and I have no choice but to fight and so I do. Still, I have this unnerving feeling that the greatest battle is waged against myself.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Autumn in the Valley
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Operation rescue.
Heroism isn't as awesome as its cracked up to be. Way overrated. Fishing wet, stinky, saturated, filthy, angry kitties out of the gutter and manure pit in the pitch dark is not my idea of a pleasant evening. I put them in a cage for their own safety and to keep them out from underfoot as I rushed about trying to catch up on my delayed evening chores. But once they were all cleaned up, fluffy and dry who could resist their sweet little mews. Lol I'm a sucker.
Friday, October 24, 2014
Slowly but surely.
Today I sat down to eat my breakfast and I realized all the ingredients in my hash/ scramble except one were raised by me or my mom. And that 1 ingredient was the butter which I could have made if I had exerted a little more effort. Little by little, bit by bit.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Thursday, October 16, 2014
...And I did what I could.
Life is usually harder than expected. Things always go wrong when you especially need then to go right. Moments of revelation when you realize that 'you' are the only answer you have to the problem. You must learn to rescue yourself, figure out the solution on your own. As a woman, I do not always have the muscle power to wrestle things into submission. This does not mean that I am incapable or inadequate or incompetent. It simply means I have to work smart, analyze and evaluate before I jump in over my head. Sometimes I need to humble myself and ask for assistance so that I do not end up gimping around for the next few weeks. Often I will have to do things differently. It may take longer but I can do it and just because it is different doesn't make it wrong. Don't limit yourself by the opinions of others. Stay focused and positive. Be strong and humble. Live with determination and faith. Believe that you can. For months every time the waterlines sprung a leak o called for assistance. Today I figured out how to fix it on my own. It was simple, boosted my confidence and the look on my boss' face when I told him was very gratifying. Last week I maneuvered a round bale on my own without popping things in my back. I had to take my time and use gravity and leverage to my favor but it was satisfying and I didn't have to OD on ibuprofen just to get out of bed the next morning. Every day and the tasks it contains are not easy. But I try to accomplish one good task each day. It helps me focus, be more motivated and often leads to more accomplishments as I don't feel overwhelmed by the daunting list. Try and try again. Blessings.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Thursday, August 21, 2014
All sacked out.
Every time I go away and have to tie Ruger in the barn, he wears himself out. It has been good for him he has come to a greater respect for the cows, and has the freedom to bark his little heart out. When I come home he is elated to see me wagging his entire rear-end, making little half whines and begging for scratches under his chin. After the dreadful required bath and rub down he settles quietly in his kennel or at my feet and snoozes for the next couple days only rousing for food and bathroom breaks.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Friday, August 1, 2014
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
I've been trying to come up with a name for this cute little bundle of claws and teeth. The other day I just randomly called her Sylvia and it stuck. Now the hard part, getting Ruger to be nice to her.